Wednesday 2 May 2007

Torn City

So, I've been playing this game for 46 days now. I really didn't think i would like it when a friend pointed me towards the site, but now I'm secretly embarrassed about how many times a day i log on just to play. Even worse is that I've set my alarm to go off in the middle of the night before because i know my energy bar will have reached its maximum,I'd be able to go to the gym and earn some great stats. The basic gist is that you have to go out, commit crimes, sell drugs and work out so that you can attack random people. Its a text based game with loads of stuff you can get into. My task at the moment is to unlock my dogs so that they can earn me some cash when they have been trained to fight. Anyway if you want to see what the fuss is about click on the link below and sign up. it might take a little while to understand what you do but i guarantee it will get you hooked.

1 comment:

Iyaniwura said...

i don't get that game!!!!... i always get it wrong and have to start from scratch.....i'll keep trying....